An Open Letter from a Minister

To Whom It May Concern:

Ministry is tough. This statement truly only resonates with those who are or have been involved in any type of ministry, but it is true nonetheless. When I leave the office, I am never really leaving the office. I take my work home with me. I drive home, thinking about a lesson or someone that I should reach out to. I get home to my family, giving them my love and hopefully my undivided attention, but do I? I go to sleep at night, and always have thoughts racing in my mind of ways to be better, topics and ideas to cover for a class, etc. It is tough.

Ministry is exhausting. If you are working with a church or a religious organization, you understand. There are always two questions that come to my mind: Am I doing enough? Does this matter at all? A preacher will preach 52 Sundays in a year, morning and night. That is 104 lessons, plus 52 Sunday morning bible classes, and 52 Wednesday bible classes. 208 times. Which doesn’t include any devotionals or retreats. And trying to make time for personal study. Are people listening and is it making a difference?
It is exhausting.

Ministry is worth it. I see students who are committed to the cause of Christ. There are times I am asked to perform a wedding ceremony for beautiful couples who put God at the center of their lives. On occasion, I have the privilege to speak and honor a faithful Christian brother or sister who has left this place to be in the most wonderful place. I get to witness the transition of individuals who, for the first time, have their eyes open to the saving Gospel of Jesus. It is worth it.

Satan will always try to weigh me down, but I am thankful that Jesus is always there carrying the load.



William S.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “An Open Letter from a Minister

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  1. Hi Will, I appreciate your article on Ministry. After 40 years of full-time ministry, I’m tired! There is a lot of stress being a minister, but there are a lot of good things that goes along with it as well. Being able to study the Bible some during the day, teaching others, visiting members, etc. that the average member doesn’t have the time to do so like us. Yes, I’m tired after all those years, but would do it all over again. Keep up the great work! In heaven, we can take it easy and rest!!! Hope the family is ok–tell Rachel hello for me.


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